RSMSSB Recruitment 2023- Apply for 5388 Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancy

RSMSSB Recruitment 2023 for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant: Read Employment News for Current Jobs Vacancy in Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board. Get Latest Jobs Notification for RSMSSB Recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancies 2023. Find Upcoming Government Jobs for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant jobs in RSMSSB Recruitment 2023. Get Career News for RSMSSB Recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancy 2023 at

RSMSSB Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for Latest Jobs for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancy in Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board:

RSMSSB Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Recruitment Apply Online for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancies: Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) has displayed 5388 vacant seat(s) for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant posts on basis. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the RSMSSB official notification can submit their application with the help of details given below on our portal.

RSMSSB Job Opening Details for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancies:

Organization Name RSMSSB
Total Vacancies 5388
Name of the Post Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant
Apply Mode Online
Job Type Rajasthan  Government Jobs
Job Location Jaipur

RSMSSB Vacancy Details for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Post:

Name of the Post: No of the Posts:
Junior Accountant 5190
Tehsil Revenue Accountant 198
Total Post 5388

Pay Scale Details for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Post:

Name of the Post: Pay Scale:
Junior Accountant As per norms
Tehsil Revenue Accountant As per norms

RSMSSB Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Recruitment: Essential Qualifications:

Name of the Post: Qualification:
Junior Accountant

Candidates should be have acquired Intermediate Examination of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants Kolkata Must have passed the intermediate Examination of the Institute of Charted Accountants of India New Delhi Doeacc under the control of the Department of Electronics Government of India or Higher Level certificate Computer operator and programming Assistant /Date preparation and computer software Certificate Organized Under the National State Council of Vocational Training Scheme Degree / Diploma in Computer Application/ Information Technology from a university established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the government In computer science and Electronics from any polytechnic recognized by the govt Rajasthan know kapani Imitated conducted by Vardaman mahaveer open university kota.

Check RSMSSB Notification for more details.

Tehsil Revenue Accountant

Candidates should be have acquired Intermediate Examination of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants Kolkata Must have passed the intermediate Examination of the Institute of Charted Accountants of India New Delhi Doeacc under the control of the Department of Electronics Government of India or Higher Level certificate Computer operator and programming Assistant /Date preparation and computer software Certificate Organized Under the National State Council of Vocational Training Scheme Degree / Diploma in Computer Application/ Information Technology from a university established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the government In computer sconce and Electronics from any polytechnic recognized by the govt Rajsthan knol japan Limited conducted by vardhaman mahaveer open university kota.

Check RSMSSB Notification for more details.

RSMSSB Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Recruitment: Min-Max Age Limit:

Name of the Post: Age Limit:
Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant

Candidate’s age limit should be 21-40 yrs to apply for the position.

Check RSMSSB Notification for Age relaxation to SC/ ST/ OBC candidates as per Government of India Rules.

Application fee:

Application Fee- General/ BC fees: Rs. 600/- SC/ ST/ PWD/ EWS fees: Rs. 400/- Payment Mode: Online

Mode of Selection in RSMSSB Recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Position:

Candidates selection for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant recruitment will be done based on their performance in Walk in interview/Written Test.

Way of Applying: How to Apply for RSMSSB Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Recruitment?

Interested and Eligible applicants may apply Online Through the Official Website

Important Dates- Notification Date: 20th June 2023
Application online started Date: 27th June 2023
Application Last Date: 26th July 2023

Interested & Eligible Candidates need to check the official job notification of RSMSSB Recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancies in Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board.

Follow the following process to apply for latest jobs in RSMSSB for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancy:

  • Open the below attached job notification for the particular recruitment in RSMSSB for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Vacancies in Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board.
  • Check the information about the documents you are required to submit to apply for the vacancies for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Jobs in RSMSSB Recruitment 2023.
  • Follow the procedure, explained in the official job notification from Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, to apply successfully for the recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant vacancies.
  • Online application will be started from : 21-12-2022 Closing date for submission of online application forms : 19-01-2023 (upto 12:00 PM)Date of exam : 25-02-2023 to 28-02-2023

RSMSSB Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant Job Notification, Application Form, Last Date to Apply for the Recruitment:

Name of the Post: Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 26/Jul/2023
RSMSSB Jobs Notification: RSMSSB Recruitment for Junior Accountant, Tehsil Revenue Accountant jobs
Apply Online:
Click Here


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