KVK Recruitment 2023- Apply for Stenographer and Driver Vacancy

KVK Recruitment 2023 for Stenographer and Driver: Read Employment News for Current Jobs Vacancy in Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Get Latest Jobs Notification for KVK Recruitment for Stenographer and Driver Vacancies 2023. Find Upcoming Government Jobs for Stenographer and Driver jobs in KVK Recruitment 2023. Get Career News for KVK Recruitment for Stenographer and Driver Vacancy 2023 at www.kvk.icar.gov.in

KVK Recruitment 2023: Apply Offline for Latest Jobs for Stenographer and Driver Vacancy in Krishi Vigyan Kendra:

KVK Stenographer and Driver Recruitment Apply Offline for Stenographer and Driver Vacancies: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) has displayed Various vacant seat(s) for Stenographer and Driver posts on basis. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the KVK official notification can submit their application with the help of details given below on our portal.

KVK Job Opening Details for Stenographer and Driver Vacancies:

Organization Name ICARKVK
Total Vacancies Various
Name of the Post Stenographer and Driver
Apply Mode Offline
Job Type Tamil Nadu Government Jobs under Central Govt
Job Location Perambalur

KVK Vacancy Details for Stenographer and Driver Post:

Name of the Post: No of the Posts:
DRIVER / T-1 Various
Total Post Various

Pay Scale Details for Stenographer and Driver Post:

Name of the Post: Pay Scale:

KVK Stenographer and Driver Recruitment: Essential Qualifications:

Name of the Post: Qualification:
Candidates should be have acquired 12th Class pass for equivalent from recognized
board / University and professional efficiency
Professional Efficiency: The candidates will be
given one dictation test in English or in Hindi at 80
w.p.m for 10 minutes.
The candidates who opt to take the test in English
will be required to transcribe the matter in 50
minutes on computer and the candidates who opt
to take the test in local language will be required
to transcribe the matter in 65 minutes in computer
Check KVK Notification for more details.
DRIVER / T-1 Candidates should be have acquired Matriculation pass qualification from a
recognized Board
II) Possession of a valid and appropriate driving
license (LMV & HMV) from prescribed Govt.
authority (the candidate will have to pass the
practical skill test to be taken by an appropriate Committee)Check KVK Notification for more details.

KVK Stenographer and Driver Recruitment: Min-Max Age Limit:

Name of the Post: Age Limit:
Stenographer and Driver

Candidate’s age limit should be 18-27 years. The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC to apply for the position.

Check KVK Notification for Age relaxation to SC/ ST/ OBC candidates as per Government of India Rules.

Application Fees:

Duly filled in applications along with DD for Rs.500/- and SC for Rs. 250 drawn in favour of ICAR-KVK, Perambalur
payable at Valigandapuram with self-attested copies of testimonial in proof of age, date of birth, community, qualifications, experiences, etc., should be sent to
The Chairman,
Hans Roever Campus,
Valikandapuram, Perambalur – 621115.

Mode of Selection in KVK Recruitment for Stenographer and Driver Position:

Candidates selection for Stenographer and Driver recruitment will be done based on their performance in Walk in interview/Written Test.

Way of Applying: How to Apply for KVK Stenographer and Driver Recruitment?

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following vacant posts under plan scheme of Krishi Vigyan
Kendra, Perambalur (NGO) and Positions Co-terminus with the scheme
Last date for apply: 30.04.2023 – 05.00 PMInterested & Eligible Candidates need to check the official job notification of KVK Recruitment for Stenographer and Driver Vacancies in Krishi Vigyan Kendra.

Follow the following process to apply for latest jobs in KVK for Stenographer and Driver Vacancy:

  • Open the below attached job notification for the particular recruitment in KVK for Stenographer and Driver Vacancies in Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
  • Check the information about the documents you are required to submit to apply for the vacancies for Stenographer and Driver Jobs in KVK Recruitment 2023.
  • Follow the procedure, explained in the official job notification from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, to apply successfully for the recruitment for Stenographer and Driver vacancies.

KVK Stenographer and Driver Job Notification, Application Form, Last Date to Apply for the Recruitment:

Name of the Post: Stenographer and Driver
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 30/04/2023
KVK Jobs Notification: KVK Recruitment for Stenographer and Driver jobs


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